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Contact Cards
Sarah Norato avatar
Written by Sarah Norato
Updated over a month ago

SocialShield creates Contact Cards for each licensee sponsored/licensed to represent a mortgage lender. These Contact Cards house licensing information for each employee listed on NMLS Consumer Access, including their personal NMLS ID, their individual state licenses, and the branches the employee is tied to.

Users will be able to associate social media profile Assets and Bookmarks for an employee to the licensed employee's corresponding Contact Card. After all social media profile Assets and Bookmarks are associated, users will be able to review all social media for an employee at once and review aggregate data on the employee's social media presence, including a comprehensive reputation score, the total amount of posts, and trends in posting activity.

Contact Cards allow users to quickly review all social media post content and profile issues for each employee. As new social media accounts are made, they can be Enabled for monitoring from the Discovery pipeline and then associated with the correct employee Contact Card. Users will also be able to see when an employee's state license has expired when the license is highlighted in red.

From the Contact Card, users can evaluate the social media presence and review items for each social media account. By selecting a particular social media account, a dropdown menu appears for that social media profile. This dropdown menu allows a user to review the Profile Checkup issues for the social media account, see the amount of post content Flagged for review, the amount of post content that has been reviewed and Cleared, and the Total amount of social media postings that have occurred on the social media profile, regardless if a trigger term was included in the post.

Additionally, users will be able to manually review the Bookmarks that are listed on the Contact Cards. To learn more about Bookmarks and how to review them check out our Bookmarks Help Doc.

Users can export a CSV file of Flagged, Cleared, and Total Posts for each Asset on a Contact Card.

Understanding Icons

No Profile Issues Found: this symbol indicates that no Profile Checkup issues were found for the social media profiles associated with the Contact.

Profiles with Issues: this symbol indicates that one or multiple Profile Checkup issues were found for the social media profiles associated with the Contact.

No Content Issues to Review: this symbol indicates that there are no content items, including social media posts and reviews, that need to be reviewed for the Contact.

Content Issues to Review: this symbol indicates the number of content items, including social media posts and reviews, that need to be reviewed for the Contact.

Content Issues to Review: this symbol indicates the number of content items, including social media posts and reviews, that need to be reviewed for the Contact.

Number of Tickets: this symbol indicates the number of Open Tickets associated with the Contact.

Contact Card Home Screen: this symbol represents the Contact Card home screen and will display the Contact's aggregate social media data and licensing information.

Monitoring Status: this symbol indicates the Monitoring status for the social media profile. Status options are:

  • Monitoring - under this status, users will be notified when watchlist words/trigger terms are found on post content. Content is automatically archived.

  • Not Monitoring - under this status, users will be not be notified when watchlist words/trigger terms are found on post content.

  • Trusted - under this status, users will not be notified when watchlist words/trigger terms are found on post content. Content is automatically archived. Note: This status should be selected for corporate accounts where the content posted is known to be approved, accurate, and trusted.

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