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Exporting Reports From SocialShield
Sarah Norato avatar
Written by Sarah Norato
Updated over a month ago

Users have the ability to export information stored in SocialShield to an Excel CSV file. CSV file format allows users to incorporate social media information into other systems used by the organization or use the excel reports in regulatory audits.

Exporting for LO URLs for State Audits

Often, state regulators examine social media as part of a holistic state examination. Common audit requests include social media and website URLs for licensed employees of that state or a request for marketing/advertising materials that may have been viewed by consumers of that state. To export URLs for the state audit, users can visit the Contacts Page and filter by the applicable state. Once a state filter has been applied, users can use the Export button on the contacts Page to receive an excel CSV export containing URLs.

Note: to ensure a comprehensive export, please ensure that all social media Assets are properly tied to the applicable licensed employee's Contact Card. Read more on this process below:

Exporting from Collection Folders

Users can export data from individual collection folders, such as Profiles or Alerts. Using the blue Export Button, users are taken to the export parameters page to select a specific date range.

Note: the default date range is 6-years to showcase all open and closed results.

After selecting Export, a file will begin to generate, this may take a few minutes depending on the size of the export. Users can use the exported Excel CSV file to filter and sort for different data sets.

To see all open items (items that have not yet been cleared from the collection folder), simply sort or filter by the Archived column.

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