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Terminating Employees in the System
Sarah Norato avatar
Written by Sarah Norato
Updated today

When employees depart an institution, users may wish to discontinue monitoring of employee social media Assets within SocialShield. To do so, users can follow the below steps:

Step 1: Finding Terminated Employees

Users may visit the Contacts Page and select the Active Contacts filter, then select Terminated Contacts. This filter will reflect Contacts that have been automatically terminated through an ActiveComply's NMLS Consumer Access data subset update or manually created Contacts that have been manually marked as terminated.

These Contact Cards will reflect a red-character icon under the Contact Employment Status column.

Step 2: Clearing Outstanding Profile Flags and Alerts

On a terminated employee's Contact Card, users can click the triple-dot icon and select the "Clear all assets" option. This will clear the social media Asset's post content and profile compliance flags from all collection folders.

Step 3: Change the Assets Monitoring Status

After the Asset has had all alerts fully cleared from the system, users may use the eyeball icon to change the monitoring status to Not Monitoring. This will disable all monitoring for the Asset and prevent any future flags from occurring. Continue this process for all of the terminated employees linked Assets.

Step 4: Close All Open Tickets

Now that the employee has departed, unresolved corrective action Tickets no longer apply. From the Contact Card, users may visit the Contact Card Ticket icon to make internal notes on open Tickets and mark them as Closed.

Step 5: Adding a Termination Date (optional)

Contact Cards are automatically terminated from NMLS Consumer Access data and will reflect the terminated date NMLS Consumer Access has. Users may manually adjust a termination date for internal recording purposes if necessary.

Step 6: Copying Assets to a Custom Collection Folder (optional)

Users may want to ensure that all company branding has been removed from the former employee's profile. This would include the cover photo, email address, privacy policy link, etc. If company branding still exists, the institution may reach out to the former employee to request these items be removed from the profile. Users may elect to isolate these accounts in a custom Collection Folder like "Former Employee" or "Defunct Account" using the Copy To feature on the individual Asset.

Complete: Monitoring Fully Disabled within SocialShield

Once fully processed, a terminated employee's Contact Card should reflect no open alerts, no open Tickets, and a monitoring status changed to Not Monitoring.

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