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Advanced Trigger Searches

Creating your own trigger terms can be a little tricky. We've outlined a short how-to-guide to simplify the process for you.

Sarah Norato avatar
Written by Sarah Norato
Updated over a year ago

Understanding Simple Query String

Since computers can't comprehend natural language, our Advanced Trigger Search function follows Simple Query String format.

So what exactly is Simple Query Stream? SQS format uses simple syntax and special operators (keyboard symbols) to parse and split a search into separate terms for the same query.

This format helps you customize the Trigger Terms to better identify posts that are important to you while also filtering out false positives that bring unnecessary Alert "noise". This same format is used in search engines like Google, Bing, etc., often without you knowing it.


Perhaps you want to search for instances of the word "Expert" but at the same time search for the word "Expertise" as both terms are of interest to you in the same way.

To perform this search, you can use Simple Query String format as so:

"expert" | "expertise"

Enclosing a term or phrase in quotation marks (" ") will isolate that term or phrase for the search.

The pipe symbol (|) signifies OR in the search.

In plain terms, the above search translates as such:

I would like to find instances of the word "expert" OR instances of the word "expertise", I do not need those terms to be located together.

Had you typed "expert and expertise" in the search bar, you would only have received results where that exact phrase was located, and not individual results for those words.

Below is a list of Simple Query String operations you can use for your Trigger Term searches:

+ signifies AND operation: this operation symbol is used to find incidences of at least two terms or phrases.

For example: searching for "forbearance"+"payment" will show all results where both words are used in the same post, even if they are not directly next to each other.

| signifies OR operation: this operation symbol is used to find incidences of one or more terms as separate searches. This can be used to find terms that are somewhat related.

For example: searching for "bank" | "banker" | "banking" will create a singular trigger term that encompasses all three terms and any word stemming associated.

- negates a single token: this operation symbol is used to find incidences of a terms or phrase that is missing. This is particularly useful when searching for required disclosure language.

For example: searching for "program"-"credit" will show all results where the word "program" is used in a post but the word "credit" is excluded.

" wraps a number of tokens to signify a phrase for searching: this operation symbol is used to isolate specific terms of phrases you want identified in your search. It is often used in conjunction with other search operation symbols.

For example: searching for "credit score" or "government loan program" will show all instances of those words in that phrase order.

~N after a word signifies edit distance (fuzziness): this operation symbol is used to find incidences of at least two terms or phrases.

For example: searching for a specific term like "opportunity" will only bring back results matching that word. However, performing the query as so "opportunity~1" will return the word and any misspellings that are one character off, like "opprtunity".

~N after a phrase signifies slop amount: this operation symbol allows you to view matches that are close—not exact–to your term or phrase searches.

For example: take this query, "nmls 1234"~2 -"nmls 1234". The ~2 allows the results to skip over "ID #" in between the search terms. This allows you to search for these terms without needing an exact match. This is particularly helpful for licensing information, which may come in a variety of formats like NMLS 1234, NMLS ID 1234, NMLS #1234, etc.

Other Search Parameter Tools

Beyond the SQS symbol operations are some additional search query tools:

Case Sensitive: This operation will allow you to match uppercase letters in your search. This is particularly useful for finding trademarks or business names with special lettering.

For example: when Case Sensitive is enabled, the search abc mortgage will not return any results that reflect ABC Mortgage.

Disable Word Stemming: Word stemming is a tool used to create more matches by removing extraneous parts of the word. Disabling it will result in only exact matches, and fewer findings.

For example: the stem for Financing or Finances is Finance. With word stemming turned on, all 3 3 would be found under the singular trigger.

Include Online Reviews: For the Advanced Trigger Search tool, content in reviews is turned off by default so only post content appears with an associated trigger term. Enable this option to search review content.

Conditional Formatting: In the Advanced Trigger Search tool, you can limit where a trigger is applied. By selecting "facebook" as the service, you limit the trigger search to just that platforms content, or by selecting profile, you can limit a trigger search to just profile content rather than posts.

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