Adding Websites to WebCompass
Melissa Grindel avatar
Written by Melissa Grindel
Updated over a week ago

1. Click "Websites".

2. Click "Add".

3. Enter the web address of the desired website for monitoring.

4. Select or create new Tags as an optional next step. A "Tag" is a keyword or

term assigned to a piece or pieces of information. For example, users might group

together rules for the words of "best", "lowest", "fastest" together under the Tag

of "Superlatives". Additional rules can be added to Tags overtime and will apply to

any websites that have the Tag enabled.

5. Beyond Tags, users may select to apply individual monitoring rules from

the Rules list.

6. Click "Save" to add the website to the system for scanning.

After a website has been added to the system, scanning will begin. The first scan

will be tracked by the Scan Completion column as a percentage until the website is

100% scanned. During this first scan, website pages will be ingested into the

system for archival and elected rule sets will begin to apply.

The second scan will occur over time to reflect Google Lighthouse information on page load time, ADA compliance, SEO scoring and more.

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