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ActiveComply LinkedIn Profile Compliance Guide
Sarah Norato avatar
Written by Sarah Norato
Updated over 2 years ago

Social media profile compliance is about providing consumers with the necessary licensing and disclosure information before they ever begin the application process with a financial institution. Though each social media platform is different, organizations should seek consistency with how employees present this information. The below guidance may be used for employing uniform regulatory compliance on LinkedIn social media profiles.

In the Headline:

A LinkedIn headline is the section at the top of a LinkedIn user's profile where they describe what they do as a professional and appears next to the user's name in search results. This field allows for 220 characters. Users should include any necessary information for your institution, including but not limited to:

  • Current role with the institution

  • Individual NMLS ID

  • Company name

  • Company NMLS ID

  • Equal housing verbiage

In the About Section:

The LinkedIn summary, also referred to as the LinkedIn bio or LinkedIn about section, is a few paragraphs of text that appears right before a LinkedIn user's list of current and prior roles. LinkedIn gives a limit of up to 2,000 words. Users should include any necessary links for your institution, including but not limited to:

  • NMLS Consumer Access link

  • Company legal licensing link

  • Company privacy policy link

  • State license number (if applicable)

  • State license verbiage (if applicable)


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